Diseases that frequently occur symptoms abdominal swelling

Diseases that frequently occur symptoms abdominal swelling

Bloating is a common problem and the symptoms less severe, and it's caused by digestive problems or due to excessive intake. But some cases may be related to many serious health problems, including cancer. Bloating symptoms can cause accidents? The following shows the 10 diagnosis related to the symptoms of bloating:
Weight loss
If you lose weight 10% did not work or changing dietary habits mean that you are concerned. This may be a sign of colon cancer, and it makes you satisfied appetite because it puts pressure on the stomach. And it can also mean tumor that reduces your hunger.

Big belly up
This is a health issue that makes you look like your weight and waist bigger. This occurs due to the presence amount of fluid in your abdomen. Your belly looks very swollen pregnant. This is always a sign of liver disease. Common symptoms showed that the cancer had spread to the liver, jaundice, yellow eyes and skin swelling. But these symptoms can also be associated with liver disease.

Tumors in the abdomen and obstruction comes from tissue can cause nausea and vomiting, and abdominal bloating and pain immediately. You have to meet the doctor immediately because these symptoms can cause belly died.

Vaginal blood flow out
Bloating symptoms can also occur in women, bleeding between menstruation or after menopause. This condition rarely a sign of the disease, which is very hazardous to life, but it is caused by a problem with hemorrhoids, tumors in the womb or irregular menstruation.

Swelling with fever symptoms can be associated with infection or inflammation. Should check your blood, so you can know that the white blood cells, and urine infections, gastrointestinal or hip or not.

The most serious problem caused by bloating
If you have symptoms, bloating, and pelvic pain means that you have cervical cancer, the cancer's 5 women.

Cervical cancer
Pain during intercourse and urination, vaginal fluid and blood disorder. This type of cancer associated with a family history who had colon cancer or cervical cancer.

Colon Cancer
It can happen at the end or beginning of the colon. When it happens at the beginning, it causes bleeding and bloating worse. If it happens the middle or end of the colon early symptoms of bloating symptoms.

Pancreatic Cancer
This cancer is a vicious disease and causes death. Symptoms include: weight loss, thirst, jaundice and abdominal pain. Another symptom is back pain.

Stomach Cancer
The cancer does not show any symptoms in the first phase starts, but later started swelling belly full breath, hot and upset stomach. The disease is often diagnosed at a later stage.

Liver Cancer
The disease is a mild disease and not harmful, but it can sometimes spread to other organs. Drinking alcohol is the main reason many liver cancer.

Pelvic inflammatory disease
It is caused by infection in the uterus, gonorrhea, and infections through sex. It can also occur when miscarriage, birth and abortion.

Source: healthyfoodteam

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